Morning Pages

If you’ve ever been a writer, or pretended to be a writer, then you might know about Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way. And if you know that book, then you know the most important part is called Morning Pages, where Cameron teaches how to write, continuously, for 3 pages longhand. No attention paid to the quality of the writing (it’s usually total shit), and no stopping until 3 pages are filled.
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Inner Peace

+++ title = “11” date = 2020 +++ Many of us seek to find inner peace. But what other kind of peace is there? If external peace means that no one ever endures conflict, we’ll be waiting quite a while. Inner peace is all that matters, because it’s all there is.
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Contagious Anxiety

+++ title = “11” date = 2020 +++ Sometimes when I see someone post an alarming article on Facebook (which is most days), I picture what their face looked like as they posted. Especially if the article comes with no commentary from them. As in, they’re just silently slapping a headline in front of thousands of friends and acquaintances. I imagine their eyebrows going up, face full of anxious tension. Then, they post.
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Mind Full

+++ title = “11” date = 2020 +++ The word “mindful” implies that we’re “full of mind.” But a better term might be “mindlessness” because we lose our minds when we meditate or slip into a similar state of awareness (a tea ceremony, perhaps). And when we say we’re being mindless, we mean that we are distracted. But “mindless” is a misomer; really it’s that our mind is full.
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Cozy Ambience My New Favorite Youtube Channel Genre

I’m watching a video right now called Christmas From Another Room, which is not really even much of a video as it is a window into a beautiful calming scene. In the video, you end up watching (?) 10 hours of snow falling outside of a very festive looking house. A very muted, almost distant soundtrack of beautiful Christmas music plays. It’s the type of feeling you might get in a shopping mall, or in the lobby of a corporate office building.
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