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I went to a lecture yesterday on what it means to be to your true authentic self. It was interesting, but nothing said taught me more than what my son teaches me when I spend time with him. If you’ve ever hear the phrase “feel like a child again!” It’s usually supposed to mean to feel careless, free, and exploratory. But what Dezi teaches me is that being a child means to be the truest version of yourself.
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The Secret To A Good Wedding

+++ title = “12” date = 2019 +++ Many of my friends have told me that my wedding was one of the most fun events they’ve been to. What was our secret, they ask? The venue we picked was gorgeous, with incredible decorations and atmosphere. We had an indoor area for eating and dancing, and an outdoor area for the ceremony. The location was perfect: Minneapolis in June, on a picture perfect day.
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The Sound Of The Bell

+++ title = “12” date = 2019 +++ At the end of a meditation session, a monk or leader generally rings a bell. It’s been said that this is the only time that you’ve actually meditated, when the bell is rung. This is because you’ve spent the last however many minutes in a cycle of mind redirection, of your mind wandering and of bringing it back to the present moment. It’s a self-regulated exercise for everyone in the room.
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Your Brain The Inbox

In my favorite productivity framework, GTD, David Allen talks about the inbox as a place to collect and capture ideas. You capture and collect in the inbox without giving anything extra thoughts, and then you process later. The idea is that you can get your ideas out quickly and really figure out what to do with them at a different time. Meditation is like this too. If our brain is an inbox, then it collects thoughts and ideas all day.
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The First Question The Doctor Asks

“Can you tell me about your diet and exercise?” It’s one of the first questions the doctor usually asks. About 3 years ago, this was the first question I was asked at my physical. I wasn’t quite sure how to answer. “Uh. I could do better, I guess,” I said. The truth is, I hadn’t even thought about it. Fitness was just whatever my daily activity was based on my job and my hobbies.
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