+++ title = “02” date = 2020 +++
There’s an important distinction. We trick ourselves most of the time. Especially with anything that involves the memory of the past. And definitely for what we believe the future holds.
In some ways, time and space are illusions. We trust that they are what we think they are. Everyone has to believe in time for it to work properly.
But delusion happens when only a small group or individual puts faith in an illusion.
+++ title = “02” date = 2020 +++
Diet trends are fascinating to watch. They come, they go, they morph and they reappear under different names.
A popular idea right now is that of intuitive eating. Rather than stick to calorie limits or re-balance macronutrients, the idea is simply that you listen to your body and stop eating when you’re full.
This is most likely the healthiest way to approach weight loss/healthy eating, once you understand what “full” means (many of us think of “full” as “stuffed.
+++ title = “02” date = 2020 +++
When someone refers to me as an expert on anything, I always do a double take. I get the urge to defend myself and say I’m not an expert in anything. I’m a learner, and I’ll always see myself that way. Maybe being confident in your decisions is what people refer to when it comes to expert. Not the amount of knowledge you have, but the amount of skill you can apply.
Who exactly gets “snubbed” when they aren’t given an award?
We’re focused on the award more than we are focused on the way that art moves us emotionally. Of course, it makes sense that we’d want the official group in charge to validate our emotional connection to art. And of course, it feels good to recognize the voices of those who are marginalized.
But is it necessary to elevate voices beyond the art that has already gotten them a nomination at the Oscars?
As we plan our summer, I’m reminded of a very important fact: vacating (the verb associated with vacation) has always led to a good piece of art.
One of my favorite songs I’ve ever written was the result of a trip to Singapore and Malaysia. I’ve finished huge projects before while traveling due to downtime and being outside of my routine.
I always complain during long trips that they’re too long.