+++ title = “03” date = 2020 +++
Do I leap out of bed and dig in to my day? Or do I do what my body clearly wants to do and sleep in?
Do I spend the day checking email and Facebook or do I do something more productive? My intuition says this is a day for celebration, the act of marking one’s pleasure by doing an enjoyable activity. And enjoyable to me means I take control, instead of algorithms.
+++ title = “03” date = 2020 +++
Rewind to 1999. I’ve got a cd wallet in my car that has about 12-15 slots for CDs. I’m at the second hand record shops every week selling old CDs and buying new ones. I’ve got a boom box and I’ve split its speakers across my room.
I’m probably playing my music too loud. Keeping my parents up. So I switch to headphones and surf the web.
+++ title = “03” date = 2020 +++
Despite the fact that the human body is full of complex systems, and that there are organisms, disorders, and syndromes that can invade and attack those systems, the body is still an amazingly protective piece of machinery.
While I was fretting over the Coronavirus, I started to feel sick myself. I began having symptoms, like a runny nose, and a slight cough. It lasted about 24 hours and then I was seemingly back to normal.
+++ title = “03” date = 2020 +++
When things get gory toward the end. I’m not a fan of gratuitous violence really, even though I do love most of the Tarantino movies. A good story really makes the violence seem necessary to move the plot forward, and in this case, it worked.
The father and son communicating via morse code at the end, as well as the inclusion of morse code in general.
A popular subreddit is r/amitheasshole. In this forum, people encounter daily experiences where they feel that they’ve been wronged or disrespected interpersonally. They ask the forum if they are, in fact, the asshole, and not the other person. I love this tradition. We have this tendency to believe that we’re right, no matter what. There are interpersonal situations where I’ve felt sure that I was in the right, only to hear the other person talk about me like I was crazy, and they were sure that they were in the right.