I’ve had trouble with conforming to society’s expectations for my entire life.
When everyone in art class drew a picture in elementary school, I wrote a poem (in a cool font, I might add).
When everyone learned Dave Matthews covers in high school, I was writing my own music.
When everyone else decided to use a Mac or a PC in college, I used a text-based Linux machine.
When I was asked to play happy birthday for a colleague at work, I composed a birthday song for the person on my ukulele.
January is the worst month. It’s a slog.
It’s unreasonably cold (relative to your usual weather).
It’s long (31 days).
There’s only one holiday (after a couple of months of many days off).
But then March comes. And at some point, there will be a temporary warming, a little preview of what spring will bring.
And for a moment… all is well.
The secret to eating better was lost on me for years.
I tried diet plans, reducing calories, time-restricted eating, the works.
What eventually worked for me was learning to cook intuitively.
I started to understand what went into making meals: some kind of protein, a starchy carb or vegetable, and perhaps some kind of fat. This is just the formula that I prefer, but could vary depending on who you are.
Well, here we are: we have a new child in the middle of a turbulent global moment.
Please welcome my second son, Roshi Cadence Hassan. His middle name, Cadence, has meaning in the musical sense: it usually refers to a sequence of chords that end a musical phrase. But it could also refer to a rhythmic flow (many of my colleagues refer to weekly meetings as a “cadence.”)
And as for Roshi: When a Zen practitioner gets trained, they acquire a teacher, affectionately known as Roshi.
Imagine if you arrived and were handed a number. You sit down and watch the numbers scroll through, one by one. You’re #45, and they’re on #17. No problem, you think. It’s a long wait, but it keeps getting closer.
But this isn’t what happens at the DMV. Instead, you get a letter AND a number. And instead of watching a chronological path from a lower number to your higher number, you instead watch as random letters and numbers are called before you.