+++ title = “03” date = 2020 +++
For most of my life, these three terms seemed to blur together. But I was asked recently about the difference, and it made me think. And whenever I think, I write. The following is my opinion on semantics.
A diary is a place to log your life events. My British cousins often refer to their calendars as diaries for instance. It’s a place that is separated by dates, where each date is a unique record of information.
A fun way to parent is to play throw & catch with your child. This isn’t limited to balls.
One version of it is when I’m in the car with my son and he throws out “dada!” I catch and respond with “Dezi!” Throw and a catch. He says “Dada!” again and on it goes until one of us gets distracted by something else.
Or if we’re playing with his ukulele, and he’ll play a chord and hand me the instrument.
+++ title = “03” date = 2020 +++
I needed new socks recently so I went to Ross, where I found a set of 7 on sale for $7. When I got home, I realized that each of these pairs was a different color, and each of them had a different day of the week on them.
For a minute, I thought about the possibility of just buying another set and wearing these socks exclusively.
When we say we’re lost in thought, we mean that we started listening a little too closely to the narratives in our head. We started watching thoughts like a movie, getting invested in the plot, the characters, the fictional elements of the past and future events of our lives.
But who gets lost, exactly?
It’s not me who gets lost in thought. _Me _is still driving. _Me _is still on a conference call.
It’d be nice if we could have one, the way we have a glass of water. Nice days are made by the blood, sweat, and tears of the not so nice days. They’re constructed, carefully, to appear in a flash sometimes when everything has gone to shit, and everyone is desperate. That’s when we have nice days.
But we can also create nice days in a flash. Instead of saying have a nice day, we could choose to say what a nice day.