In my task management system, I employ tags to keep things organized.

The most common ones are my tags that relate to energy. This allows me to filter my tasks depending on what kind of energy I’m currently experiencing. Am I braindead after a long day of work? Or, am I in seriouscoffeedeepwork mode? Or something in between like adminrespondtoemail mode?

I also tend to use a category of tags around roles. Am I looking for tasks that relate to being a parent? Or perhaps tasks that are related to being a solopreneuer?

One of the most important tags in the system, however, is the radar tag. This goes beyond a simple priority star, or a signifying letter.

This tag goes on tasks that aren’t necessarily due tomorrow (I use date dates for that) and they aren’t even necessarily high priority tasks (I use a Today tag or a star for that). Instead, these are tasks that I want to be aware of every single week.

During my weekly review, one of the steps is to filter my task system for the radar tasks and simply look at them and figure out when I’m going to start them. Or, at the very least, look at them and freak out about the looming deadline.

The radar tag fits a category of task that would sometimes go under the radar for too long, and by the time the task surfaced in my giant ocean of tasks, it felt overwhelming to get started.

The best way to get projects done, in my opinion, especially those with far off due dates, is to get tiny pieces done in advance. The radar tag is one tool I use to do exactly that.