+++ title = “11” date = 2019 +++

There’s a social media challenge where you post a picture of yourself from a decade ago, followed by one of you now. I think it’s mostly used as a vanity thing, so that people feel that they’re better off then they were. I haven’t posted one, but reflecting on on the me of a decade ago is a useful exercise.

For one, you can immediately see what the big themes of my life have been when you look at the last 10 years: becoming a teacher, a father, getting married, taking more responsibility for health and wealth.

Those are the things that I do now. But as for those things I don’t do anymore…

I don’t binge watch TV or movies anymore. I lived in fantastical worlds for most of my childhood; in adulthood, I felt that it’s time to start living in the present moment. This need was spurred by working with and being around children.

I don’t obsess over everything anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I still obsess over lots of things, just at a slower rate than a decade ago. I’ve become a little more aware of what’s really worth obsessing over and what isn’t. I’ve also learned that the answer to this question varies depending on who you’re talking to… and I’ve learned to respect that principle.

I don’t post as much on social media. Instagram stories and this blog being the exceptions, I’ve slowed down a lot of my social media use. I really enjoy using a public medium like Instagram stories coupled with a semi-private blog where I can write things that an audience will find (rather than the other way around).

I don’t yuck people’s yums anymore; that is, I’m not as elitist as I was in my 20’s. I’ve realized that my opinion on music, movies, art, whatever… is no more valuable than anyone else’s. Another principle that must be respected.

And maybe most most importantly, I don’t believe I can change anyone’s behavior. Oh, I’ll still try in my worst moments. But deep down, I know it isn’t possible, and never was.