The average male is about 5 ft 10, and I stand at a meager 5 ft 6, which makes me short. The interesting thing was that I never really noticed my shortness until it was pointed out once, in my 20’s.

Ever since then, I identified as a short person. But I often wonder what would’ve happened if that person hadn’t pointed out my shortness, causing me to acquire a new piece of identity.

Would I have felt like I belonged in a world of varying heights? Would being short really have mattered or meant anything, like the way that my black hair isn’t good or bad, it just is?

And now I’ve come to realize that I’m not only physically short, but I am also spiritually short. I have a height advantage in this way; I can see what is happening to the trunks of the trees instead of towering over the forest. I’ve found that there are many who would like to know what’s happening to the bark, and thankfully I write a lot.